
I started organising running retreats in 2016 as a way to get together with other runners and share some of the amazing experiences I’ve had writing my books.

Dartmoor, England
Our original weekend retreat is set in the wilds of this rugged, moorland landscape, and is co-hosted by an array of special guests, including the ultra runner Damian Hall.
Run Across Dartmoor in a Day
Run from one end of Dartmoor to the other following a beautiful route crossing some of the most scenic and isolated stretches of this inspiring national park in south-west England.

Chamonix, France
Teaming up with ultra runners Tom Payn and Rachel Bonner (from my books), we spend the weekend taking in the breathtaking scenery surrounding this running town, and get to run some of the famous UTMB course.
For all the latest information and to sign up to a run or training camp, visit